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Some medicine wheels will have one particular spoke that's significantly longer than the rest, suggesting something important about the direction it points. A number of astronomers, such as Steven Haak in Nebraska and David Vogt in Vancouver critical of the idea and expressed have to say, very serious objections to the hypothesis. The whole structure looks rather like a wheel on the cart, located out on the ground with the Central cairn is the hub, the beam-forming at the end of cobble lines the spokes, and the surrounding circle the rim. The spokes are to be no special significance, except show that a famous warrior had died. One of the older wheels has been dated to over 4,500 years old; they were formed to add the successive generations, would, new functions, around the circle. John Brumley, an archaeologist from Medicine hat, has a very sophisticated definition of what a medicine wheel. In contrast to the usual, high-rise, loose stones monoliths, the natives placed on the earth in certain arrangements. In terms of social dynamics, community building and the use of circles in Restorative justice, which correspond to four quadrants of the circle of introductions. Finally, West of the spirit, the water, the color blue or black, and " black-skinned people, and Elderhood. It seems that the Central cairn at the major Ville wheel was initially constructed some 4,500 years ago. Therefore, while we assume reasonably that the major Ville-wheel served as a ceremonial centre for several thousand years, it is unlikely that archaeologists will ever know the details of the ceremonies or the religious philosophy that motivated the creation of the site. The astronomer John Eddy put forth the theory that some of the wheels had astronomical significance, where the longest spoke on a wheel, pointing to a certain star at a certain time of the year, suggesting that the wheels were a way to mark certain days of the year. Although the archaeologists are not exactly sure what everyone uses, it is thought that ceremonial was probably or astronomical significance. The rite of the sacred hoop and medicine wheel differed and differs among indigenous traditions, as it is now between the non-indigenous population groups, and between traditional and modern variations. The most common form of surround consists of a Central cairn and a stone circle; 18 of these type-1-medicine wheels are known in Alberta.

Almost all medicine wheels have at least two of the three elements mentioned above would be (the center cairn, the outer ring and the spokes), but beyond that, there were many variations on this basic design, and every wheel was found, is unique and has its own style and eccentricity. Due to the long existence of such a basic structure, which suggests to archaeologists that the function and the importance of the medicine, changed wheel in the course of time, and it is doubtful that we will ever know what was the original purpose. More recently, syncretic, hybridized uses of medicine wheels, magic circles, and mandala sacred technology, New Age, Wicca, Pagan and other spiritual discourse throughout the world. Type 7 medicine wheels are surrounded by a Central mound, a stone circle with spokes radiating outward; three are known. The long period of use and construction of the Central cairn at the major Ville medicine wheel suggests that such sites may have served different functions over the years. Medicine wheels seem to be primarily an Alberta phenomenon; we have many more here than in the neighbouring provinces and States. Amazingly, some of the type 4 medicine wheels have been built in this century by the blood Indians of southern Alberta; one, Many Spotted horses medicine wheel, is presented here. This wheel contains an enormous Central cairn 9 feet in diameter, surrounded by a stone circle 27 meters; about 28 spokes link the circle and the central cairn.

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An odd variation sometimes found in medicine wheels is the presence, a passage, or a door, in the circles. It is not unusual for people to certain places as sacred, even when religions change. This site consists of a Central cairn or stone-heap, surrounded by a circle of stone, the lines of the paving stones link the Central cairn and the surrounding circle. Medicine wheels have been built, and for so long, and each has enough unique properties found, the archaeologists say it is almost impossible to exactly what each one was, and have not had much success to make broad generalizations about their function and significance. However, it is generally agreed that it was built about 200 years ago by the indigenous aborigines, and. Research has suggested, a number of functions for the wheels, and has shown its use over a very long period of time. The West also represents the last phase of life in the wheel, as the oldest and the transfer of knowledge to the next generation, so that the wheel may start again just like the circle it takes. The archaeologists do not know when the spokes, and the surrounding circle were built, or even if they were built at the same time. A variant, known as type 2 medicine wheel, contains a passage leading from the stone circle; four are known. Some ancient types of sacred architecture of the stones were built by laying it on the surface of the soil in certain patterns to the native inhabitants, the Aborigines.


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